The Art Of the CV

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8 tips to help you score an internship thanks to a beautiful CV.

If you missed AUP’s informative CV/Resume Workshop, rest assured that we have your back with some internship landing pointers. As next semester is approaching, internships are being sought after. The workshop is lead by Safia Benyahia of the career development office at AUP. She is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to employment. During the workshop, Benyahia gives students a step by step guide to stand out in the race to nail the perfect internship and or job.Benyahia has urged all internship hopefuls to work on your Curriculum Vite, which stands for CV, early. The sooner you start crafting your CV to perfection, the more prepared you will be. Molding your CV is more time consuming than one may think. But there is a method to the madness. Your CV is a marketing tool, this is how you convince people to hire you, essentially you are marketing yourself. It should be a summary of your skills and accomplishments.

“There’s no one size fits all, there’s no one way to write a resume. It’s a marketing tool SO there’s no one way to create a poster reflecting you!” stated Benyahia. The point is that there’s not a single way to relay your information. Keep in mind that companies have their own preferences in presentation and format. Here are a few Benyahia’s fail-safe tips to create a competitive CV. 

1. What's in a Name?

A lot! You are essentially selling yourself and a quick and easy way to help your case is to write your name in a large and bold font. This is a small memory trick to keep your name at the forefront of your employer's mind.

2. Experience

In addition to your previous jobs, a lot of activities can count as experience.  and deserves to be featured on your CV. Any roles that showcase your ability to take on responsibility deserve to be showcased. Contributions you have made to your universities such as clubs, practicum courses, your GPA and your thesis are great adds. If none of these apply to you, try to take advantage of the activities offered through campus.

3. Humble Brag

Talk about your accomplishments. Be succinct and specific in your descriptions. Use bullet points and begin your sentences with an action verb. This is your chance to brag a little bit, but don't overdo it.

4. Skills

List all the languages that you are familiar with along with your proficiency level. Including all of your computer skills are a crucial element in a competitive CV. Skills such as Microsoft Office, Adobe Photoshop, iMovie, and any additional software you have mastered. Go the extra mile and provide examples of your work and skill level with links or via LinkedIn.

5. Tailor Made

CV's are not one size fits all. Make your CV more personable and adjust it for each of your intended employers. Keep in mind employers usually skim resumes for an average of 6 seconds. So place your big guns and or most relevant information for that employer at the top of your document. 

Image Credit: Unsplash

6. Send Thanks

Send thank you emails after each of your interviews to keep your name in your potential employer's inbox and their mind. Feel free to send a follow-up email if you have not heard back after two weeks. 

7. Reply

If you receive an email or offer from employers, don't leave them waiting. Reply quickly to offers and inquiries regardless if you choose to take the position.

8. Be proactive

If you are looking for work, check the AUP Job & Internship Database. The Career Development office updates the database on a daily basis. Not fluent in French?  No problem, most offers on database require just English. Also, you do not have to do your internship in Paris.  As long as it is registered at AUP, the world is your oyster.

Honorable mention to Going Global, a site that will show you what a resume typically looks like in each country for those applying abroad.

For more tips and tricks to win the internship Hunger Games contact the career development office at or visit them during their drop-in hours in Passage Landrieu. Follow @aupcareers on social media an stay in the know about upcoming CV and Internship prep sessions. 

Written by Alyssa Belton

Journalism padawan / Harry Potter enthusiast.