Bibliotherapy #2: Globalism and Nationalism

Image Credit: Juja Han/Unsplash
After a long hiatus and various technical difficulties, the second week of Bilbliotherapy is finally here!

Several recurring headlines seen in the news over the past years have been related to borders, refugees, and immigration policies. Issues such as the refugee camps in Calais, France, Brexit in the United Kingdom, the infamous Donald Trump and his obsession with a wall along the Mexican border, and stricter immigration policies in general. Recently, in the spring, a "caravan" of more than 1,200 Central American migrants began heading to the U.S. border, the journey which about 2,000 miles (3,200 km) long, began in Tapachula near the Guatemalan border, the destination being United States as some of the migrants plan to apply for asylum, while others plan to attempt sneaking across the U.S. border. 

Some of the Mexican towns along the migrant's journey have been considerably hospitable towards the “caravan.”  In fact, Mexican locals have been accommodating despite President Donald Trump’s call for Mexican authorities to stop them. "Border Patrol Agents are not allowed to properly do their job at the Border because of ridiculous liberal (Democrat) laws like Catch & Release. Getting more dangerous. 'Caravans' coming. Republicans must go to Nuclear Option to pass tough laws NOW. NO MORE DACA DEAL," Trump tweeted Sunday morning.

This ongoing debate concerning immigration and stricter foreign policies seems to be a symptom of the rise of the extreme right and left that has resulted out of it.

Listen to the podcast here:


The book recommendation for this week's podcast:

Written by Charnice Goldsborough

Undergraduate student studying cinema, but also into literature, music, gastronomy, and traveling to unfamiliar places.