Banana Peels, Feet, and the Moon

Image Credit: Melissa Morrow
A look into Charlotte Le Bon's quirky and unique gallery exposition.

Charlotte Le Bon is both an actress and an artist, dealing mainly with illustrations. I, personally, love the simplicity of her work and the playful mood she often portrays. This is her first exposition and even the gallery owner describes her as "une artiste avec un univers éclectique et poétique" (an artist with an eclectic and poetic universe). 

Image Credit: Melissa Morrow

So, what is this?

Charlotte Le Bon's gallery exhibition, One Bedroom Hotel on the Moon.

Where can I find it?

Galerie Cinema. It's in Le Marais, near métro stop Saint-Sébastien - Froissart (Line 8). Feel free to drop by from 09.09.16 to 04.11.16.

What's the point?

This exhibition is a fun glance into the mind of a young artist, providing us with amusing prints and even a movie trailer.

Image Credit: Melissa Morrow

I may be interested, tell me more...

The show is a nice change from the huge, well-known museums like the Louvre, the Musée d'Orsay, and various others I'm sure you've already been to. If anything, it makes Paris seem just a little more real as a city, with actual galleries showing actual work by actual artists. 

Image Credit: Melissa Morrow

In the gallery, you'll find a variety of prints and drawings. There's actually a one bedroom hotel on the moon, but also various prints of exasperated green monsters, a heart-headded man looking down at a banana peel, and even a painting done by her grandmother shown in the back. With a tiny little man holding a sign on a canvas that takes up an entire wall, you start to wonder just what exactly made Le Bon think of such a thing. The work doesn't make the viewer feel bad in any way; it evokes a sense of curiosity and playfulness so much that you feel as if you can understand the artist's personality just by looking at her work. That is one goal for artists, though, n'est-ce pas? 

When I want to clear my head and feel a little bit less like I live in "PARIS: THE CITY OF LIGHT", I walk around and look for things just like this- a tiny art gallery showing great works of art I'd otherwise never know about. It's far from the tourism and grand, famous masterpieces and that's just what I like about it. If you want to discover a great gallery and an uplifting exhibition, look no further- One Bedroom Hotel on the Moon is for you.

Image Credit: Melissa Morrow

Written by Melissa Morrow

Melissa is a native to South Jersey who is studying Fine Arts and Middle East Pluralities in Paris. She loves culture, language, discovering new things, and finding the silver lining in everything.