A Clothing Label Inspired by Raw Art

Image credit: InBrut Project
The InBrut Project's concept is derived from marginalized art.

InBrut Project is a fresh new clothing brand founded by four very different personalities, but the thread holding their label together is an ability to ironically provoke cultural and gender norms outside of the heteronormative narrative. For the longest time, we have been prompted to believe that our identity is predominately revealed by the clothes we choose to wear; that our attire is an announcement to our surroundings. People usually draw their first impressions of a stranger by what he or she is wearing.

Although there might be variety in the fashion world from which to choose your wardrobe from, somehow everyone ends up looking like they've purchased a uniform according to mandatory yet ephemeral trends. Why do we all crave to look the same? Are we afraid to stand out? With mass production, trendsetters and social media, it seems as though the decadence of individuality is upon us. With that ominous thought in mind, should we take ourselves too seriously? Is everything we put on, in fact, a statement? Aline Ohanesian, the author of the critically acclaimed novel Orhan's Inheritance, once said: "Everything we do is political", so is this applicable to our everyday lives? What does this mean for the future of fast fashion and the cruel reality of sweatshops? Rather than ignoring all of this, there is a possibility to look towards young fashion designers who cherish individuality as much as the moral standards under which they produce their clothing, such as the InBrut Project. 

Image credit: InBrut Project

This new brand fuses art, fashion, and craftsmanship. The InBrut Project promises quality clothing and accessories for the young consumer. Through social media, it communicates the brand's postmodern-like identity. From a white cap with a bloody menstrual cup embroidered into it, to shirts that read: "post-coital tristesse", "eat me out", and "fuck your morals", InBrut invokes a certain irony to emotionally striking matters (to some). It is as if the brand shouts out the absurdity of feelings into the mundane objects of our everyday lives. 

"InBrut project gets it's inspiration from prison tattoo art, Shunga Japanese erotic art and aesthetics of Mexican Luchadores." - Deer OnMoon (Co-founder)

Image credit: InBrut Project



Image credit: InBrut Project

Karime Sierra is originally from Mexico City but is currently studying BFA & History at Goldsmiths, University of London. She is interested in film, art, and literature. A bit of a wildcard at heart and could easily be mistaken for a character in a Tarantino film, or maybe Deathproof.

Deer OnMoon is of Peruvian heritage and grew up in Mexico City. She has been referring to herself as Deer OnMoon ever since she was eleven years old. As a kid, she had nightmares about outer space, and to calm herself down, she would watch Bambi—hence her stage name. A bit Emo, creative, unique, kind, and very very weird. 

Pollo Lekuona is a graduate of New York University at which he studied film and business. A creative entrepreneur by nature, he founded the liquor brand Lola Mezcal and co-founded the production company Enfant & Poulet, for which he has directed a handful of short films and commercials. In his spare time, he plays guitar in a punk rock band and hangs out at local drag queen shows.

Fran Sanchez Solis studied Film and Art History at New York University and soon after graduating, co-founded the up-and-coming production company Enfant & Poulet with Pollo in Mexico City. He enjoys turtleneck sweaters and discussing politics over a cup of dark roast coffee. 

Image credit: InBrut Project

Teresa: Why start InBrut? 
Deer OnMoon: Everyone at InBrut is a creator in their medium, and we all had a need to express ourselves and wanted a space to do it. We were brainstorming and sketching so many design ideas that we wanted to wear ourselves and thought we should give it a shot and put the brand out there. Everything at InBrut has an outlet for expression—the designs themselves, the photo shoots, the editing, and the process of selecting pictures to go on social media. The design of our lookbook and website—we see it all as an entire creative project that exists in the same space. 

Teresa: What is the statement you wish to make with InBrut? 
Deer OnMoon: We want to make great quality clothing and accessories, but we want to show that we are having fun with it. High-quality fashion doesn’t have to be so serious! We want the originality of our designs to speak for us. 

Image credit: InBrut Project

Teresa: What is your take on what is happening with fashion right now?
Deer OnMoon: There is a lot of hype around brands because of the celebrities attached to them. It's more about who is wearing what rather than who is innovating in fashion or offering fresh designs. It's disappointing to see how many young, non-famous designers with a different point of view like ourselves don’t get the chance or space to show their work because it's not about the ideas anymore—its all about the names.

Teresa: Where do you seek inspiration? 
Deer OnMoon: The name InBrut comes from the concept of art brut or raw art, which is marginalized art, made by outsiders. We’ve been inspired by underground art and urban sub-cultures outside the mainstream like for instance Russian prison tattoo art, Shunga which is Japanese erotic art or the aesthetics of Mexican luchadores. We also try to have fun with what’s popular right now and give it our satirical twist. 

Image credit: InBrut Project

Teresa: Why should people buy InBrut Clothing? 
Deer OnMoon: We create everything, and we make sure to deliver in the best way. We are a small brand that will make you feel a personal interaction when buying our products. We have designs you won’t find anywhere else, and we offer the best quality in materials and fits.

InBrut's DePop shop allows consumers to easily access and purchase their products. The company’s immediate goal is to sell accessories online and increase their catalog of clothing. They're attempting to grow their brand awareness and website traffic through social media.

Written by Teresa Segovia

Teresa is a Mexican exploring Paris through her studies, she loves film, photography, music, & literature. In her free time, you will find her at museum exhibits.