The Five Best Petit Museums in Paris

Enjoy fine art and sculpture at the Rodin Museum near Invalides. Photo courtesy of Paris Stouring
Because we're all tired of overwhelming museums.

Yeah, yeah, the Louvre is great and all, but there’s so much more to see in Paris that doesn’t involve hour-long waits and hoards of tour groups desperately trying to catch a glimpse of the Mona Lisa. The following museums have a lovely charm about them and won’t eat up your whole day.



About a 20 minutes walk from AUP, the Rodin Museum is considered one of the most accessible museums in Paris. In addition to thousands of sculptures by Rodin, such as The Thinker and The Kiss, the museum also houses works from Rodin’s private collection, including paintings by Van Gogh, Renoir, and Monet. Don’t miss out on the extensive gardens, where statues are charmingly hidden amidst shrubbery. Located in the 7th arrondissement. Reduced rate of 5 for students.


Photo courtesy of Lonely Planet 



Famous for Monet’s 8 water lily murals, which provide visitors with a fantastic panoramic view, the L’Orangerie is located in the Tuileries Gardens, near the Louvre and Concorde. While the highlight is definitely Monet’s fantastic murals, the museum also houses some Renoir, Matisse, Picasso, and Cezanne, among others. Located in the 1st arrondissement. Free admission for students.

Photo courtesy of Time Inc



If you’re a fan of Impressionism, this museum is definitely worth a visit. It boasts the largest collection of Monet art in the world, with over 300 of his Impressionist and Post-Impressionist pieces. The museum was once a hunting lodge and has elegant furnishings and decor. Also, they sell postcards from old art exhibitions for 10 cents (!!!) in the gift shop. Located in the 16th arrondissement. Reduced rate of 6.50 for students.

Photo courtesy of World Top Top



The Carnavalet Museum is an eccentric and light-hearted museum dedicated to the history of Paris. You definitely won’t get bored in this museum, which exhibits everyday objects in Parisian history. So if you wanna see the chair Voltaire died in (honestly, the biggest selling point for me), Robespierre's shaving dish, or a room filled with old street signs, this museum is a must. Plus, it’s an excuse to go to Le Marais, not that you really need one. Located in the 3rd arrondissement. Reduced rate of 5 for students.

Photo courtesy of Paris Musees



The Cluny Museum has some of the best remaining Roman architecture in Paris, with Roman baths that are visible from the street. The museum houses medieval art as well as stained glass, sculptures, and illuminated manuscripts. Definitely check out the small room illuminated entirely by stained glass panes and the creepy “Lady and Unicorn” tapestry, featuring several horrifying monkey-looking creatures. Also there is a narwhal tusk (horn?) and it’s even more amazing than it sounds. Located in the 5th arrondissement. Free admission for people under 26.

Photo courtesy of SSA Paris 


Leave the tourists behind this weekend and take a trip to one of these museums instead! 


Written by Melusine Ruspoli