Fill Up on Culture And Digital Art at La Gaîté Lyrique

Image credit: Lexpress/ Taboola
Visit digital projections, contemporary concerts or learn some more about art technology.

For culture vultures, a "must place to visit" is the innovative center La Gaîté Lyrique. The main concept is to explore culture and digital art by fusing both in different projects. You can see an exhibition, enjoy musical concerts, participate in talks and discussions — all of which are pretty banal for any cultural centers. However, you can also play video games, use the resource center as an alternative place to study, have drinks with friends and even pick up some local groceries in a temporary market. 

Image credit: Outletov / Luchkova Lyudmila

At the La Gaîté Lyrique you encounter a friendly atmosphere with dynamical rhythm. Contemporary, artistic and thoughtful, the center has not forgotten about its audience le plus jeune. Each week La Gaîté Lyrique organize creative workshops, video screenings, animated story telling and plenty of games and toys for children, all of which are connected in one way or another with technology and culture.

Image credit: Applimini / Odile

La Gaîté Lyrique is located in the 3rd arrondissement at rue Papin. The building is a former theater that was built in 1862. Even though it has transformed into an amusement center, the facade of the edifice remains original with its intricate decorations. The rest of the building acquired varied styles, corresponding to the La Gaîté Lyrique’s diverse concept. Seven floor construction offers three floors for public events, whereas the top of the building is dedicated to the artist's workshops and residences.

Image credit: La Gaîté Lyrique

The first floor is dedicated to the relaxing cafeteria with subdued light where interviews and talks are conducted. The spacious hall continues and transforms into a video games area, followed by modern and very bright library and resource center. There is a lot of material about digital art, web design, contemporary music, video games, street art, digitalized periodicals and other culture-oriented technological developments. The capacity of the space allows around 100 people. Everyone is welcome to use provided computers and the space for their own work. 

Image credit: La Gaîté Lyrique

The second floor is the Historic Foyer Bar for where La Gaîté Lyrique left the previous decorations untouched, yet they have installed several contemporary installations. This space enables an experience to have a brunch with friends in the 19th century room with modern vibes and great food. 

Image credit: La Gaîté Lyrique

The basement is the heart of Gaîté Lyrique. All the concerts, festivals and digital exhibitions take place there. The rooms are design with strong acoustic isolation, considering the residences around, which in turn provide a clear and high sound.

Talking about the music, do not miss the amazing ARTE Concert Festival from 15 to 17 of April. Three exceptional events of live pop-rock, electro and piano will take place. The lists of musicians features such names as talented piano player Francesco Tristano and electro DJ - Bruce Brubaker (here, you can check their collaborative performance at the Cité de la Musique) and many more! Follow their schedule to be updated with the upcoming events or just visit the center at any time from 2PM to 8PM Tuesday to Saturday and from noon to 6PM on Sunday.

Image credit: Residentadvisor

If the digital art and all the events are not your idea of a good time, there is a cozy French cafeteria, at the rez-de-chaussée, facing the blossoming square in the heart of the district.

Image credit: Applimini / Odile

Written by Yana Kotina