In the Centquatre, Both Rich and Poor Can Create Art

Image credit: Nicolas Doreau
Explore the House of Artistic Creation and Production in Paris.

How would you like an organic market, Chinese martial arts, meditation classes, free art viewing and open access to perform and create art, ALL under one roof? What about a pizza truck, a delicious French café and bookstore still under that same roof? The Centquatre (104) opens their doors from Tuesday until Friday 12-7pm and on Saturdays and Sundays from 11am-7pm. It is located at metro Riquet on line 7 and is roughly a 5 minute walk from the station.

Image credit: Flickr/Jean Pierre Dalbera

The Centquatre is a location where people, mainly from lower socio-economic and multi-ethnic backgrounds come to let their creative skills go wild. As you walk in you will see a large hall with different side sections where people have set up their loud speakers. They are either learning or rehearsing a routine and anyone can watch or participate in doing the same themselves. It offers opportunities to young artists who may not be able to afford lessons or know the right people to begin a dance/singing ensemble. The exciting aspect of this place is that once every so often, a professional musician or choreographer will come past unexpectedly and look out for any potential candidates to promote or offer to perform in special gigs. This motivates young artists to come and show off what they've got. Below is an example of some of the talent you can watch.

One can also come and watch a theater piece or a small art exposition which you can find the schedule for on their website by clicking here. Most of them are free and some you pay a small amount for- but trust me you feel good giving a whopping 3 Euros towards people who don't have the financial means to go very far. You want to support these new and upcoming artists in anyway possible.

You have a cute little French café called 'Le café Caché' inside the complex with a very modern design allowing you to sit down and relax in front of an awesome cheeseburger or home-made chocolate milkshake. You also have a wood fire pizza truck serving cheap home made pizzas and freshly squeezed organic lemonade. Below you can watch a video which shows the different parts of the hall and what each of them offers.

So much talent under one roof. Go along and check it out for yourself. You can easily spend a whole afternoon sitting on the chairs in the center of the hall and watch all that talent explode. From Hiphop to Jazz to Opera you have it all, however you may just be keen to come along for a Tai Chi lesson. There are lessons on for free every weekend from 11 until 12.15pm. This indoor center is ideal during the winter months as not only is it heated but it has a vibrant and lively atmosphere, perfect for someone who is looking for a Saturday excursion in Paris.

So come on and see it all for yourself, it is guaranteed you won't be disappointed.

Written by Elodie Dalgleish

21 year old AUP student in her senior year from Sydney, Australia.