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Instagram as Star: Fashion Designers Turn the Spotlight to Social Media
Younger brands are turning to Instagram to capitalize on the social media revolution. - More
So Essena "Quits" Social Media. Why Does This Matter?
19-year-old Essena O'Neill is quitting (but not really) social media. Oh, and she needs help with her rent too. - More
Instagram's Most Ironic Hashtag
There's nothing more #authentic than going on a hike in Birkenstocks... and then adding a filter. - More
Life on Social Media: The Value of a “Like”
How social media is re-constructing millennial values and their idea of self-image. - More
#CurvyGirls and Instagram Censorship
An experiential review on #curvy, #goddess and ... #curvygirl (Instagram, you've missed a spot). - More
Altered Reality on Instagram: Photos are Going Micro
We live in the world that is moving fast. Let's have a look at how the power of social media is changing the way we take photographs -- and transforming the fashion industry.